tere daras nu taras gai
hanju akhaan cho dulleya
main teri jogan balleya
(craving for your look i sigh
a tear fell down from this eye
worshipping thee,my love)
shaam savere naa tera japdee
raataan katdee kalleyaa
main teri jogan balleya
(from dawn till evening i take your name
the nights then i spend alone again
worshipping thee,my love)
aeho jehi preet na lagge
es rog ne kitta jhalleya
main teri jogan balleya
( love shouldnt be this hazy
it has made me crazy
worshipping thee,my love)
heer nu chhad k jaan waaleya
ae raanjhe tu kitthe challeya
main teri jogan balleya
(darling where you begone
leaving your love alone
worshipping thee,my love)
hun ishqe di maar nu samji
jad man tere naal ralleya
main teri jogan balleya
(now i know y love crushes so blue
since the day my heart found u
so i worship thee,my love)
mitr,saheli sang ni lagde
te toon v saanu bhulleya
main teri jogan balleya
(friends do not see me anymore
and even you forgot my name amour
still i worship thee,my love)
hun taan mainu chit na aawe
teri pal pal yaad sataawe
dil ch vasan vaaleya
najraan de kol v aaja
aesi aas ch baithi rehndi
nit boohe agge sohneya
ae teri jogan balleya!
(now i lost my senses too
every moment i miss yoo
darling love,in my heart you stay
one day you will come this way
with this hope sits afore
waiting and wanting,at this door
worshipping thee,my love)
its my frst attempt to write in a language i dnt knw well.but the result satisfied me.shows poetry knows no language barriers.i have translated in english side by side as much as i could.still if there remain mistakes u are welcome to correct me.
(p.s.i made the sketch myself too.amateur,i knw.but she was in my mind before i started writing.no stolen picture could have suited her)
I assume it's Punjabi. I understand only a few words, from what we hear in Hindi films, and a little from the context, but it was really cool, especially knowing that it wasn't a language you are expert at! I thought of writing something in Marathi, that being my mother tongue, but never had enough confidence.
Ok, one question... how much of what you write is based on reality and how much is fiction?
mostly i make up wat i write.bt it wasnt like that wen i began.then it was totally real..nw its more of fiction than reality.just ideas that come in my head...and u no,i cnt even speak punjabi properly,its jst wat i've heard..where r u frm in maharashtra??hey,will u plss teach me marathi??i'd really love dat.
oh, writing a poem, from only what u've heard needs guts and a li'l bit of craziness (i prefer to call it passion). ur cool!
btw, i'm from Pune, and i could teach u Marathi, but won't it be a tad difficult to teach u pronunciations through writing?
where are you from?
well...i can b eccentric at times:)..bt its great to follow ur heart,it takes guts to do dat too..ok,y dn u giv me ur mail id so v can carry this coversation with privacy..if u dnt mind dat of course..
oh, i thought u'd get it from my blogger profile
it's "pallavigsharma" on gmail
Oi! I thought you vanished somewhere. And what's the other blog about? Do you intend to keep it private-but-open-by-invitation, or strictly private?
Oye cigar tu itni achi punjabi kabse bolne lag gayee?
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