Oh my lord..
My sins are like the highest mountain..
My good deeds are very few..
They're like a small pebble..
I turn to you..
my heart is full of shame..
my eyes are full of tears..
Bestow your forgiveness and mercy upon me..
Ya Allah..
Send your peace and blessings on the final prophet..
& his family.. and companions..
and those who follow him..
Here i find that God is beautiful in every form,in every sacred prayer that escapes from the lips,whether those b of a hindu or muslim,christian or sikh,zorastrian or jew.May God bless us all.

yeah true.... words like pearls.... let god be one.... let us all be one with no fights... no discrimition...
liked the whole episode...
cheers gurl cheers !
I don't know why we are taught that we're sinners in some way or the other. Religion puts a lot of unnecessary burden on our conscience. Prayers are always beautiful, but not when a person demeans herself because religion says so.
but pallu,personally i feel,we all have sinned in some way or the other..so better than to stew in guilt..its a way of seekin redemption..n nothin is demeaning in bowing before God..even if u have been a puritan..there should always b a power that makes you feel a humble person,a human..spirituality is nothing but realization of that..and religion is nothing but a path towards it..
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