today,i am inspired
i dont want to sit on my butt doing nothing all day
feelin like a complete idiot
at sea with everything
i want to get up and start living
i want to stop shedding these meaningful sighs
everytime i turn towards my work
regretting the time i would have to spend on it
running for that smallest chance or an opportunity
that would arise and take me away
from all this sinister monologue
the walls of my room eating me alive
i was never this introverted
now i stammer when i speak
i hide behind my doors and shut myself in
so even the sun's rays wont see my face
my only relatinship is with the phone
and the internet is keeping me company
friends and foes in the world outside
think my being is a history
see i'm starting to rhyme now
this is my life,my creativity
i would wither and die without producing something
and frankly dats is the reason of my lamenting
dis is it,the time is now
im sick of crying my heart out
what if no one bloody understands a thing i say
im tired of caring for whatever anyone thinks now
i was born for some reason..
to create something new..
not to follow wat some einstein thought
but to b a part of another rennaissance
so im thinkin of pushing myself to my limits
and falling over the take a look at what lies beyond
i have to..i just have to
its time to wake up..and get going.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
A Beautiful prayer
Last night i was watching the kite runner.Although the novel had clearly moved me,the film had some bits n pieces of its tenderness..below is a prayer that i heard n was propelled by an inner force to jot down here..
Oh my lord..
My sins are like the highest mountain..
My good deeds are very few..
They're like a small pebble..
I turn to you..
my heart is full of shame..
my eyes are full of tears..
Bestow your forgiveness and mercy upon me..
Ya Allah..
Send your peace and blessings on the final prophet..
& his family.. and companions..
and those who follow him..
Here i find that God is beautiful in every form,in every sacred prayer that escapes from the lips,whether those b of a hindu or muslim,christian or sikh,zorastrian or jew.May God bless us all.
Oh my lord..
My sins are like the highest mountain..
My good deeds are very few..
They're like a small pebble..
I turn to you..
my heart is full of shame..
my eyes are full of tears..
Bestow your forgiveness and mercy upon me..
Ya Allah..
Send your peace and blessings on the final prophet..
& his family.. and companions..
and those who follow him..
Here i find that God is beautiful in every form,in every sacred prayer that escapes from the lips,whether those b of a hindu or muslim,christian or sikh,zorastrian or jew.May God bless us all.

Saturday, October 4, 2008
God cried with

Today God cried with me..again
he knows the devotion i have for him is shared
with someone i let go of..yet again
he knows i was right,yet he cried,yet i cried
it rained in the blazing sun
it drenched me from head to toe
the raindrops held my tears with them
cradled my blinding eyes..soothed my raw pain
today God cried with me again
i smell our tears falling on the earth
i reach out his hand and hold it tight
"you dont have to worry about me you know"i say
he smiles but the tears fall from his eyes,in vain
today God cried with me again
with fatigue i have fallen down on this wet earth
for invoking my God took my breath away
my feet hurt and my legs tremble..
but i feel unusual calm seeping my way
i have danced my way to redemption like a madwoman
like a woman possessed with feelings insane
today God cried with me again
when the tears stopped i looked at his eyes
they were a brilliant blue bright with sunshine
i looked at them without flinching once,
for i dont care to b blinded by his light
i already have sacrificed my sight
given up those eyes with which i saw the world
so i let him take me into the magical trance where i felt no hurt,no pain
God cried with me again
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Just the day i swore,you i'd forget
you came out of nowhere and showed yourself
my pulverised brain saw nothing coming
and nothing i could do, to shield my-self
the thoughts and the feelings and the memories
lying in a corner filled with cobwebs
i entered that place of my heart again
heard that familiar melody,faint and weakened,but not dead
i hummed that WEAKENED melody
a mixture of a happy and sad tune
it gave me the same hope filled dispair
showed me that m not all that immune
and here is the melody of my distress
that my head sings and sings till its out of breath
my deepest secret that i would've taken to grave
but now,i'd share it with u instead...
you came out of nowhere and showed yourself
my pulverised brain saw nothing coming
and nothing i could do, to shield my-self
the thoughts and the feelings and the memories
lying in a corner filled with cobwebs
i entered that place of my heart again
heard that familiar melody,faint and weakened,but not dead
i hummed that WEAKENED melody
a mixture of a happy and sad tune
it gave me the same hope filled dispair
showed me that m not all that immune
and here is the melody of my distress
that my head sings and sings till its out of breath
my deepest secret that i would've taken to grave
but now,i'd share it with u instead...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A potter's smile
As the wheel rotates b'neath his hands
he creates pottery out of land
it spins with shapes of beautiful kind
that formed apart in his mind
cups n bowls n glasses n pots
he turns around the earthen clods
transforms them into his sweat and blood
his hands caked with sodden mud
burnt brown and fingernails black
those hands go on,they never slack
build wares and burn them in the kiln
and paint on them colourful skin
but of all the pottery made in while
the beauty lies in his pleasured smile
enchanting how hard he works to live
still manages that satisfaction puckering his lips
and we who buy those crafted piece
pay less to b happy but more to please
and lest it crumbles and breaks on the floor
we couldnt care less of the love it holds
of the sweat and the blood of those burnt brown hands
those created figures out of sodden lands
amidst the bowls and craftsmanship
we bought a smile from his lips
Friday, September 19, 2008
the TINK story

a lone figure sits atop the knotted tree,she looks at the moon and sighs
the glowing beauty flutters its wings,like an angel poised in flight
the seconds tick away with the flowing river,the wind rustling through her hair
she waits for no one,she waits for him,the one she knows who doesnt care
her beloved peter pan would soon return,from where his beloved lives
and for the day he will b hers,till the sun permits
she will play,she will dance,she will sing,and she will fly
she will laugh,she will swing,let her feet touch the sky
he is her one and only love,since eternity opened its eyes
but he found it with wendy,the girl of far far away premise
the envy cuts upon her broken heart,but she can only sigh
for holding her true love for herself,would make it all lies
so she lets him go night by night,across the moon he leaps
to wendy and her brothers,who wait for him,after their parents go to sleep
and off he goes when the darkness creeps in,brings wendy and the boys
and they play and talk,and laugh and fly,leaving tinker to sit and sigh
she knows that this is never never land,here there is no such thing as time
but wendy belongs to that place where,people grow old and sublime
she hurts for peter,she hurts for wendy,sometimes more than she hurts for herself
they would not b together forever,for wendy is a human,and peter,an elf
and one day she will have peter,day and night,all to herself
but his first love would always b wendy,and with her his thoughts would dwell
so she wonders if it is good or bad,to eagerly await that fall
gor then he will always be with her,and yet,oh so far!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
A time to succeed
i hope to see the sunshine before my world goes dark
i wish to climb the mountain before i lose the spark
i pray to be my best till i reach the mark
i want to glide the endless sky flying like the lark
i know my dreams are mine they belong to no one else
they flow in my blood,my body,my brain cells
they in me,a part of me in them,dwells
raising a ruckous like a thousand chattering gazelles
on and on through day and nite they go non stop
and on and on they spin my mind like a toy top
mushrooming within me a galaxy of wishful thoughts
and i slave my body to reach my soul's sacred spot
i know one day i will get what i strive for
but i want the lust to continue till i reach that far
i pray the hunger lasts till i heal my scar
i want to taste the sweetness of success before it turns sour

i wish to climb the mountain before i lose the spark
i pray to be my best till i reach the mark
i want to glide the endless sky flying like the lark
i know my dreams are mine they belong to no one else
they flow in my blood,my body,my brain cells
they in me,a part of me in them,dwells
raising a ruckous like a thousand chattering gazelles
on and on through day and nite they go non stop
and on and on they spin my mind like a toy top
mushrooming within me a galaxy of wishful thoughts
and i slave my body to reach my soul's sacred spot
i know one day i will get what i strive for
but i want the lust to continue till i reach that far
i pray the hunger lasts till i heal my scar
i want to taste the sweetness of success before it turns sour
Monday, August 25, 2008

i may have been rendered
faithless;tho' hav'nt yet surrendered
it'll take the nile or the amazon'
to extinguish the fire that lights
my insides,maybe even not
i may the seagull thy jested
upon;who knowingly never rested
seeking something beyond gull-thoughts
who flew higher than his powers
jonathan livingstone,maybe even not
i may devour glory galore
or rest upon the deep sea floor
my mind devoid of these vicissitudes
would know solace in only the
milestones,maybe even not
and undaunted by lows i rise
seeking aurora in the desert premise
wandering soul towards the north i stay
and only the whole arctic could
quench me,maybe even not.
Monday, August 18, 2008
An ode to 'the second coming'

silently amidst the stunned crowd
the wind gushes past the parched earth
laden with rasperous dust and sand
all upon this unfortunate land
the echoes of nothing saunters far
like an empty stream flows on mars
an unborn kid who suckles the udder
it lies upon the mother's chest
the obnoxious silence thus unbles't
awoke from the millenia slumbers
the half beast arisen under
the baked sands and strifes galore
moves towards the holy hell
where surreal wars together dwell
the eyes now cant stop their fate
as they rest b'neath the sinking blade
the second coming has marked the time
where impending powers of holocaust
stride to end the suffering caus't
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

समंदर किनारे एक लड़की
सांझ की किरणों में
हर रोज़ की तरह शब् में ढलने का
इंतज़ार कर रही थी
रेत की चादर में
डूबते सूरज को अलविदा कर
वो चाँद की दस्तक का
इंतज़ार कर रही थी
उस तन्हाई में बैठ कर
शायद वो किसी के
आने का
इंतज़ार कर रही थी
सलोनी काया
अंधेरे में घिरती हुई
बूंदों की रौशनी से अपना
श्रृंगार कर रही थी
उसको देख के
मैं वहीं थम गया
जहाँ से मेरी धड़कन
रुकने का इज़हार कर रही थी
किसी सोच में
डूबी थी वो शायद
और मेरी रूह उसी सोच का
दीदार कर रही थी
अचानक उसने मुझे देखा
तोह ऐसा लगा जैसे
साँसे चलने से
इनकार कर रहीं थीं
मैं तोह रो ही
पड़ा था
और उसकी आँखें भी बहने का
इंतज़ार कर रहीं थीं
कुछ कदम भी
मीलों से लग रहे थे
उसकी नज़र मुझे चलने से
लाचार कर रही थी
जब वो मेरी ओअर
दौड़ कर आई तोह ऐसा लगा
न जाने कब से मेरी बाहें
उसे थामने का इंतज़ार कर रहीं थीं
खो गई वो लहरें
वोह चाँद,वो सूरज
मेरी दुनिया बस वो ही
साकार कर रही थी
और खो गया वो समंदर
जिसके किनारे
वो लड़की मेरा कब से
इंतज़ार कर रही थी
Saturday, August 9, 2008
a wish!

so i can do whatever i like
bathe in the rain,dance in the sun
and spend hours gazing at the sky
i miss those times when
me and my brother would run up the stairs
lay down on the still warm summer roof
and found mickey mouse in stars
or my first sweet crush
on the tallest boy in the neighborhood
and my heart did those crazy somersaults
whenever my way he looked
i could shout at the top of my voice
when i was the happiest
and mom would hug me when i cried
wiped my tears after hours of fights
i used to beat up every boy i knew
and played truants in the twilight
holi used to be a public affair
when we sprayed colours at everyone in sight
bring me back that joy of abandonment
that unadulterated laughter,those unending smiles
take away this pretentious grown-up world
with wishful thinking and lots of sighs...
O God make me a child again.
(thanx pallu,u know hw i got d idea of writin dis one)
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I want to run away somewhere
where there is peace and quiet
no hollers of everyday long
no expectations,no competitions
for once i'd like to be on my own
and not an overgrown child in my parents' cradle
where there'd be no failures looking in my face
and no ugly words 'i told u so!'
i'm tired of being a doormat,a dishrag
i'm tired if trying to be someone i'm not
i'm tired of taking complaints all day long
i'm tired of being called the black sheep of all
my dreams ,my hopes were sacrificed long ago
at the altar of your wish
now i die each moment of the day
but i'm so unlucky,even then i live
i look at my doom each day
as my mind desegregates and withers away
the pent up emotions flow from my eyes
in all the darkness of the day
if i dont escape,i'll go crazy
my mind refuses to kill my body
i sit for hours with a blade on my arm
but my brain fails to acknowledge
so i'll pack my bags and run away
from this depression,anger,misery and dispair
my life beckons me from death
i'll hold on to whatever is near
where there is peace and quiet
no hollers of everyday long
no expectations,no competitions
for once i'd like to be on my own
and not an overgrown child in my parents' cradle
where there'd be no failures looking in my face
and no ugly words 'i told u so!'
i'm tired of being a doormat,a dishrag
i'm tired if trying to be someone i'm not
i'm tired of taking complaints all day long
i'm tired of being called the black sheep of all
my dreams ,my hopes were sacrificed long ago
at the altar of your wish
now i die each moment of the day
but i'm so unlucky,even then i live
i look at my doom each day
as my mind desegregates and withers away
the pent up emotions flow from my eyes
in all the darkness of the day
if i dont escape,i'll go crazy
my mind refuses to kill my body
i sit for hours with a blade on my arm
but my brain fails to acknowledge
so i'll pack my bags and run away
from this depression,anger,misery and dispair
my life beckons me from death
i'll hold on to whatever is near
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Life goes on..

my head rests against the pillow
i lie in a deep sojourn of my mind
the naked darkness envelopes my whole
emnating from the sky
i remember the happenings of my youth
i seek the remnants of some joy
as my present is nothing but numb
an empty shell of a boy
the journey is a thought process
bringing the ghost of christmas past
i'll take u to the summer when
the seeds of this present were cast
i played along happily
along the stream that flowed nearby
then suddenly in slow motion'
rain fell down from the sky
my feet were streaked with the wet earth
the husky effervescence enveloped my mind
i felt the mud moulding beneath my hands
as i created my first figure with thine
enter now:the ghost of christmas present
i lay unknown on this berth
for i was taken straight from childhood
to an unyielding adult
my creativity was lost in the tomb of imitance
as art does not bring food to the table
the boy who once played abandoned
now lies chained to the daily syllablle
i do not wish to see the ghost of the future
as my present subdued my hungry talent
who had felt the need to create
which in this world of material is irrelevant
my tired mind shuts its musings
as i have to get up early tomorrow
to go to work,which i do not love
but life goes on,even with sorrow..
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Across lingual barriers

tere daras nu taras gai
hanju akhaan cho dulleya
main teri jogan balleya
(craving for your look i sigh
a tear fell down from this eye
worshipping thee,my love)
shaam savere naa tera japdee
raataan katdee kalleyaa
main teri jogan balleya
(from dawn till evening i take your name
the nights then i spend alone again
worshipping thee,my love)
aeho jehi preet na lagge
es rog ne kitta jhalleya
main teri jogan balleya
( love shouldnt be this hazy
it has made me crazy
worshipping thee,my love)
heer nu chhad k jaan waaleya
ae raanjhe tu kitthe challeya
main teri jogan balleya
(darling where you begone
leaving your love alone
worshipping thee,my love)
hun ishqe di maar nu samji
jad man tere naal ralleya
main teri jogan balleya
(now i know y love crushes so blue
since the day my heart found u
so i worship thee,my love)
mitr,saheli sang ni lagde
te toon v saanu bhulleya
main teri jogan balleya
(friends do not see me anymore
and even you forgot my name amour
still i worship thee,my love)
hun taan mainu chit na aawe
teri pal pal yaad sataawe
dil ch vasan vaaleya
najraan de kol v aaja
aesi aas ch baithi rehndi
nit boohe agge sohneya
ae teri jogan balleya!
(now i lost my senses too
every moment i miss yoo
darling love,in my heart you stay
one day you will come this way
with this hope sits afore
waiting and wanting,at this door
worshipping thee,my love)
its my frst attempt to write in a language i dnt knw well.but the result satisfied me.shows poetry knows no language barriers.i have translated in english side by side as much as i could.still if there remain mistakes u are welcome to correct me.
(p.s.i made the sketch myself too.amateur,i knw.but she was in my mind before i started stolen picture could have suited her)
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The darkness speaks….

My mind always wanders
It seeks early yonders
Of lands,seas and falling snow
They say it wont happen to me
They say I wont be able to see
Going against them, I say
I can taste the snow in my mouth
Y all the fuss??
Whenever a wave splashes
Against a yeildly beach
you feel it with your lashes
Against the sultry skin
I feel it too,the beauty and peace
They say it cant happen to me
They say I wont be able to see
Going against them I say
The ripples form in my mind
Why all the fuss??
You see it through the day
You see it through the night
But even the sun,the incandescent,the cfc’c
Cannot bring me light
They say”seeing is believing”
They say I wont be able to see
Going against them I say
I believe in every moment of day and night
Why all the fuss??
The pink ,the blue,the purple
The red,the green,the yellow
For me are all but black
I cant see the butterfly or a garden rose
But when I touch a raindrop,my ears hear it splash
They say a rainbow is pretty,that which I wont b able to see
Going against them I say
I love the essence of falling rain
Why all the fuss??
They say it wont happen to me
They say I wont be able to see
But does it matter much
When all I want is to be free
I would find my ways around
When I stumble,I’ll feel the ground
Would taste the snow
Feel the waves
Smell the falling rain
And one day when I’m gone
I’ll leave my heart behind for a someone unknown
For I don’t have my eyes to give
If I had,I would have been able to live.
(a dedication to that section of humanity,who isnt blessed with sight
An appeal to that section of humanity,who have been blessed to bless thee)
It seeks early yonders
Of lands,seas and falling snow
They say it wont happen to me
They say I wont be able to see
Going against them, I say
I can taste the snow in my mouth
Y all the fuss??
Whenever a wave splashes
Against a yeildly beach
you feel it with your lashes
Against the sultry skin
I feel it too,the beauty and peace
They say it cant happen to me
They say I wont be able to see
Going against them I say
The ripples form in my mind
Why all the fuss??
You see it through the day
You see it through the night
But even the sun,the incandescent,the cfc’c
Cannot bring me light
They say”seeing is believing”
They say I wont be able to see
Going against them I say
I believe in every moment of day and night
Why all the fuss??
The pink ,the blue,the purple
The red,the green,the yellow
For me are all but black
I cant see the butterfly or a garden rose
But when I touch a raindrop,my ears hear it splash
They say a rainbow is pretty,that which I wont b able to see
Going against them I say
I love the essence of falling rain
Why all the fuss??
They say it wont happen to me
They say I wont be able to see
But does it matter much
When all I want is to be free
I would find my ways around
When I stumble,I’ll feel the ground
Would taste the snow
Feel the waves
Smell the falling rain
And one day when I’m gone
I’ll leave my heart behind for a someone unknown
For I don’t have my eyes to give
If I had,I would have been able to live.
(a dedication to that section of humanity,who isnt blessed with sight
An appeal to that section of humanity,who have been blessed to bless thee)
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
War for peace

Many a day, many a slay
Thou live for peace-o’ mercy bequeath
What hath brought you this peace o naïve?
Robbed you of flesh, blood and breath
Save empathy for those who warred
With lost limbs and dry eye
Who saved your soul, embraced doom
And for you, they lived –to die
Thee saved senile!!!Saved from what???
Terror still seeps through your veins
By what means thou call you innocent?
You are guilty of fear, your lives in vain
Trembling in your cozy holes,
Your dead life, of misery it shouts
With surrendered souls, your stagnant heart
Grow with cysts and cancer sprouts
Cast aside this garb of hypocrisy
Your talks smell of cowardice
Surrender…..if you wish to the brave hearts
Be their faithful accomplice.
Thou live for peace-o’ mercy bequeath
What hath brought you this peace o naïve?
Robbed you of flesh, blood and breath
Save empathy for those who warred
With lost limbs and dry eye
Who saved your soul, embraced doom
And for you, they lived –to die
Thee saved senile!!!Saved from what???
Terror still seeps through your veins
By what means thou call you innocent?
You are guilty of fear, your lives in vain
Trembling in your cozy holes,
Your dead life, of misery it shouts
With surrendered souls, your stagnant heart
Grow with cysts and cancer sprouts
Cast aside this garb of hypocrisy
Your talks smell of cowardice
Surrender…..if you wish to the brave hearts
Be their faithful accomplice.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The rickshawpuller

In his eyes I looked and found
Utter longing so profound
The misery,the want,the deep rooted lust
For matters beyond his scrawny touch
The blackberry,the pizza,the sleepwell,the merc
For him are all but cottony clouds
Beautiful to look,but far from reach
His days are laid with a hundred vows
Lurching from here …to a perch there
And nights are lolling on the mother ground
The reason to sweat is in other land
A survival made migratory bird
Little creatures of hunger when shout
Creater flies to collect some sprout
So,in line,there stands he
Every Monday…to put kerosene in his stove
Cooks to live through next day of work
Pulling others to make some bread
And send it home with fatherly love
He stands,stooped with wear
Looking much beyond his age
Waiting patiently,wiping his brow
As I grope to pay his due
And a shimmer appears in those eyes
As I chip in some extra too…
A halo appears on my head
As I glide feeling angelic to the core
Which fades with disdain
As I see him buying a joint with my pity
There he goes,puffing with content
Free from all the longing
Blowing away in the air
Utter longing so profound
The misery,the want,the deep rooted lust
For matters beyond his scrawny touch
The blackberry,the pizza,the sleepwell,the merc
For him are all but cottony clouds
Beautiful to look,but far from reach
His days are laid with a hundred vows
Lurching from here …to a perch there
And nights are lolling on the mother ground
The reason to sweat is in other land
A survival made migratory bird
Little creatures of hunger when shout
Creater flies to collect some sprout
So,in line,there stands he
Every Monday…to put kerosene in his stove
Cooks to live through next day of work
Pulling others to make some bread
And send it home with fatherly love
He stands,stooped with wear
Looking much beyond his age
Waiting patiently,wiping his brow
As I grope to pay his due
And a shimmer appears in those eyes
As I chip in some extra too…
A halo appears on my head
As I glide feeling angelic to the core
Which fades with disdain
As I see him buying a joint with my pity
There he goes,puffing with content
Free from all the longing
Blowing away in the air

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